New Orleans
New Orleans public school graduates will thrive economically as a result of being the most sought-after talent for hiring and advancement in our region’s high-wage career pathways.
The New Orleans design team has supported three training providers (NOCC, Operation Spark, and Next Level NOLA) in expanding their pathways from 11th grade through postsecondary credentials (an associate degree or equivalent industry-based credential), using 13th year bridge programming that is closely aligned to the needs of regional employers.
Organizations / Entities Represented on Design Team
YouthForce NOLA
Collegiate Academies/Next Level NOLA
New Orleans Career Center
Operation Spark
Delgado Community College
NOLA Public Schools

Student Voice
Good paying jobs means freedom – freedom to pay for myself, to purchase what I want, freedom from debt.
- High School Student
The design team created three new resources that directly support their students, counselors, and schools, all of which will be updated annually. The first resource, Career Maps, map out the new pathways to help students, families, and counselors understand the opportunities, including information on occupations, required skills and training, salary potential, training opportunities, and more.
The second resource, a Dual Enrollment Playbook, is a centralized portal for students, their families, and counselors to access information. In addition to information about training providers, higher education partners, and dual enrollment opportunities, the playbook includes a glossary of terms and acronyms, a link to the Technical Training Vendor Guide Planning Tool, and frequently asked questions.
The third resource, a Technical Training Vendor Guide, provides schools with information they need to complete the YouthForce CTE Super App Companion for New Orleans Schools, a tool that schools will use to build out their CTE plans for the year—including course sequences, credential, and dual enrollment opportunities offered—and budgets aligned to those plans.
Louisiana: Accelerate ED Blueprint Presentation
The Louisiana design team's presentation at the Nov. 2022 Accelerate ED convening.