
Capital Area Lansing Region


The Capital Area Lansing (MI) is working to increase postsecondary enrollment of Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham County residents into a degree or credential program to 60% by 2030.


A cross-sector team is coming together to create a Blueprint to transition more students into postsecondary programs starting in high school that lead to credentials of value. While programs such as dual credit, high school advantage, career tech, AP/IB and early college programs have helped expand access to postsecondary opportunities while in high school, the team is looking to create a plan to reach more targeted student populations and scale success for students across our tri-county region. Over the next year, the team plans to map out a potential pilot to launch in the Fall of 2024. The team consists of the Capital Area College Access Network, Lansing Community College, university partners, workforce and industry leaders, government officials, philanthropy, and K-12 representatives from the three county school districts.